The Digital Journey team of the Spindle organised a Pitch Event for Partos members, where problem owners could share their ideas and form Joint Action Groups (JAG). Each JAG is now pitching their ideas to an audience of techies, companies, universities and creatives to reach out for possible contributions. D4D is a contributor to two of these Joined Action Groups, since we strongly support the idea that increased digitalisation would benefit the impact of NGO’s and the international development sector.
At the last JAG contributor session of the 19th of May, our Managing Director Maaike Blom joined Light for the World in the session on developing an online community for people with a disability or HIV/Aids. The challenge would be not to have one way information, but an interactive community where beneficiaries can contribute themselves and get input from the community on their issues. The first start would be to engage directly with the beneficiaries to gather input on the draft design of the platform to find out how this platform will enable them to access information, share experiences or maybe even start a lobby on a certain topic. Doing proper data analytics on such a platform to extract insights will be crucial to determine its success and learn on the spot which topics are liked, which approaches have worked and how people engage on the platform.
The goal of The Spindle’s DigitalJourney for Partos members is to co-create digital strategies in Joint Action Groups to build innovations upon the needs of the #Dutch development organisations and discover solutions for digital challenges. Find out more on the website.
Data4Development is happy to support the Digital Journey and we do support its ultimate goal to accelerate the digitalisation of Dutch development organisations and we are curious where the next steps will take us. More news next time!