Digital Health
Scan & Strategy
Maximise your impact by taking control of your digital health
A digital health scan helps you understand the status of your current IT landscape. D4D supports you in making an accurate diagnosis of what your information needs are in relation to your IT environment. Together we create a plan to get started on your transformation towards digital health.
Get more out of your IT
By indicating the steps between the current situation versus the required situation, as well as identifying the must-haves and the nice-to-haves, we can help your organisation create a plan on how to improve your IT infrastructure in support of your core processes.
If the IT landscape has been neglected, this can pose risks towards the business continuity of the organisation. By identifying gaps with the help of the digital health scan, a concrete roadmap is made to improve the suitability of your application landscape, so that your organisation will be able to maximise its impact and be a front-runner.
D4D thinks alongside you about your IT landscape, your ambitions and requirements, and how your applications communicate with each other so that your IT matches the social objectives you wish to achieve.
What We Offer
A brief diagnostic scan that checks the following:

Are your current applications up to date or up for replacement? Is there any overlap in functionality?

Is your IT supplier consistently providing you with the support you need for a fair price?

What level of compliance have you reached to applicable standards (e.g. GDPR, IATI, ISO)?

Are your applications fit for purpose? Do they support your primary processes?
(i.e. project management, finances, customer relations management)?

Is data stored/accessed across applications consistently providing a single source of truth?

Are you able to steer your organisation based on the operational data you get from your applications?
The greatest added value of D4D is in their role as a knowledge partner, where they really roll up their sleeves to take KPIs and measurement plans to a higher level. They know how to separate sense and nonsense and bring order to existing processes and systems. I am really impressed with the knowledge and skills of the people at D4D that I have worked with so far.
Marian van Weverwijk
Salesforce CRM Manager, Wilde Ganzen