Starting 2018, Data4Development will partner with Partos/ The Spindle for the promotion of data in the Development Sector. Join us at our Open Tea event to exchange ideas, experience and inspire other data professionals!
The Open Tea is an informal network meeting (max. 50 people). The use of high quality information and data is an important building block for transparency and the effectiveness of aid. That is why Data4Development and Partos / The Spindle have joined in a partnership for the promotion of data. Data4Development is an expert on Data driven knowledge, and ‘Making data count’ is one of the four themes that The Spindle focuses on. In 2018, more events on ‘data-informed decision-making’ in Dutch development cooperation will follow. Will you join us for the first event?
Community of data professionals
Data4Development & The Spindle would like to create a community of data professionals to support organisations to increase the use of data in the development sector and support the effectiveness of aid. The Open Tea is ideal event to get to know each other and network.
Save the date!
Data4Development & The Spindle would like to invite you to join us for an informal exchange of ideas, experience and inspiration in the Open Tea session. Three cases from datalabs initiatives such as Oxfam Novib, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Humanity X project from Leiden University will be presenting to exemplify different experiences with datalabs. The precise program is to be confirmed asap, but save the date!
DATE: MONDAY January 8th, 2018
TIME: 15.30 – 18.30 (with New Year Drinks!)
LOCATION: To be determined
You can register by clicking here. More information on the exact location and program will follow later.