Data4Development helps you to comply with the demands of your environment, whether it concerns civilians, the government, or donors. We carry out a risk analysis, advise you on solutions and help to implement the solutions that you’ve chosen.

information Transformation compliance

IATI services. IATI services to comply with the IATI standard to ensure valid reporting to governments. Learn more about our IATI services here.

GDPR. Our consultants help your organisation to become entirely compliant with the European standards for data storage, regarding privacy protection as well as security. Learn more about our GDPR services here.

ISO certification. We can guide you with the implementation of the necessary developments, perform internal audits and if desired, guide you in the process of becoming ISO certified.

Cyber Security is becoming more popular. Viruses, malware, ransomware, phishing, theft of digital files, attacks on your company server, staff who – consciously or not – leaks company sensitive information.

There is a high chance that you do not have the expertise within your company to help you become cyber secure. The risks you are running influence the continuity of your organisation.

Data4Development provides you with solutions through several products that fit within your current applications and infrastructure. They protect you against cyber threats and give you real-time insight into your network or about your system.

Data4Development helped us to properly structure our IATI publications and set us on the right path for growth with our Regional Offices publishing independently.

Nicolaas van Boeckel
Global IT Manager, Solidaridad