Preparing your proposal for Strategic Partnerships 2.0? Let Data4Development support you!

Are you drafting your proposal for the Dutch MoFA’s Strategic Partnerships 2.0? Make use of our knowledge to strengthen your alliance!

The application phase for the new round of Strategic Partnerships with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is approaching fast. The policy framework ‘Versterking Maatschappelijk Middenveld/Strengthening Civil Society’ is expected to be released by the end of this summer. For both subsidy frameworks (Power of Voices; SDG 5 Fund), key focus areas are local leadership, transparency (read: IATI) and innovation. These all come down to one common concept: Information management.

As you are probably drafting your proposals already, have you thought to include information management? Do you want to take your policies and practices to the next level? Or are you struggling to include information management meaningfully in your proposal? This is exactly our expertise!

We have supported programs in the first round of Strategic Partnerships in their information journey towards data driven decision making. And we are ready to help you out from the start!

What can D4D do for you? Information management can be an asset. Let us help you out to make your proposal and programme datadriven and fit for the changing environment you are operating in. This can include (but is not limited to) dashboarding, IATI, data quality and designing your ICT strategy.

Reach out to us for a dialogue on your information management ambitions.