Reminder & programme: IATI learning event 22nd of March

For everyone working with IATI, Data4Development and Partos/ The Spindle are for the third time organizing an IATI learning event this March. Sign up now!

Date: 22nd of March
Time: 13.00h – 17.30h
Location: Bleyenberg, The Hague (Grote Markt 10, central The Hague)
Costs: free for Partos members, non-members pay a fee of 30 euro.
Sign up here

IATI revisited
Learn from your peers & IATI experts on working with the standard and how the standard can work for you.
Since the introduction in 2016 of the IATI standard by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, quite a number of Dutch NGOs started to explore and learn on the possibilities of the use of (IATI) data. This quest has led to a number of interesting showcases on data informed decision making and use of IATI data that we would like to present during the event.
We hope to have you as our guests at the IATI learning event on the 22nd of March 2018. The Spindle (the innovation platform of Partos) and Data4Development are now ready to present the programme to you.
In the age of ever increasing presence and use of data, development CSOs can profit from this trend in various ways. The essential question is how to build on reliable data to be able to show the impact your organization is making? And how to do this as efficient and effective as possible?
The program will be as follows:
13:00 Coffee & registration
13:15 Welcome
Inspiration session on the possibilities of IATI data: what is in the standard for you? What’s next? By Rolf Kleef (Data4Development) & Leo Stolk (Oxfam Novib, co-chair of the IATI CSO working group)
13:45 Update on IATI
Brief introduction to IATI and to the new version 2.03 (two sessions: one for starters, one for experts)
14:00 Showcasing good practices
Case 1: The transformation to a more data informed organisation: Wim Hart (director ICCO)
Case 2: Data innovation in organisations: Kenny Meester (HumTechlab, TU Delft) with examples from Cordaid
Case 3: International IATI experience (involvement of Southern partners): Steven Flower (Open Data Services Coop, UK, tbc) & Stephanie Schlipper (MannionDaniels, UK, tbc), with examples from DfiD/ Comic Relief
Case 4: Using (IATI) data & apps to build evidence & provide insights: Agnès Marsan (Simavi)
Case 5: Visualisation of IATI data in a dashboard: Thea Schepers (Plan Nederland)
15:00 Break
15:15 Working groups (one per showcase)
Opportunity to deepen the discussion about the lessons learned and the challenges met.
16:15 Plenary report back of most important takeaways.
17.00 Drinks & networking