How many organizations are mentioned in the IATI data? Part 3/3

In Part 1 of this mini series we tried to get an idea of the number of organizations by simply counting the number of unique names, mentioned in organization fields in the IATI data. From a preliminary analysis of the 92k unique “organizations” we could identify several obstacles, of which the two main problems appear […]

A tiny piece of powerful Python

When working with IATI data I often use Python, a programming language which is very suitable for handling a lot of data. Within a programming language there are libraries: collections of functions with a specific purpose. One library that is very powerful when working with large amounts of data is called Pandas. In Pandas you […]

Join the IATI Journey

How do you use your mountains of organisational data to increase your impact? One way is to let us take you on a IATI journey. From producing your first IATI publication, to using IATI data to make data driven decisions, to improving your data quality. Wherever you are in your IATI journey, Data4Development is here […]

Publishing IATI data on COVID-19 activities

Open Data has proven vital for combatting the COVID-19 pandemic. This raises important questions about producing, sharing and using IATI Data as well as highlighting the need for data-driven decision making.

XML, the hidden technology behind IATI and a lot more

Open data has never been more valuable then it is now. Everyone is using open data to communicate about the coronavirus and the IATI open data standard is not staying behind. By publishing timely and comprehensive data, you will be providing partners across the globe with better information to plan, coordinate and evaluate the response […]

IATI Alliance Dashboard

For your strategic partnerships you will be working in consortia. We have previously talked about creating a shared space for your consortium to collect and analyse your results, progress and impact. One way to do this would be an (IATI) alliance dashboard: a digital dashboard based on (IATI) data for all the organizations in the […]

IATI scaling up

At the start of 2016, we combined our IATI expertise within Data4Development, to help organisations routinely publish IATI data as part of their reporting cycles. There were around 380 IATI publishers back then. Today, we’re close to passing 1100 publishers, almost triple that number. And this growth should continue. With a solid 5-year strategy, a […]